It should be noted as well that ever since the beginning of agricultural and industrial revolutions, human activities have undesirably accelerated natural and human induced soil erosion, consequently causing environmental stress. However, Vhashumi Land Reclamation is devotedly determined to revitalize such compromised ecosystems as well as spearhead the reversal of detrimental land bankruptcy in the region. We have unmatched capacity in inducing seed germination on barren soils as well as on exposed rocky surfaces. Vhashumi prides itself in its competence in facilitating the primary ecological succession of plant communities from pioneer successional stage throughout to a final stage called late successional stage.

Although soil is a renewable resource, it is renewed at a very insignificant rate. The formation of mere 10mm of soil can take from 15 years to hundreds of years, essentially making it a finite resource. However, climate remains the main determinant factor for the catalysed formation of soil particles. Therefore, it is vitally important to us (Vhashumi) to properly manage and protect the complex skin of the earth for the benefit of the entire biosphere and the posterity. This natural resource (soil) is an integral part of the support system for ecosystems and human communities, and is significantly important to society in countless ways. Studies indicate that the terrestrial surfaces are losing topsoil faster than it is renewed by natural processes; thus leaving the environment with an uncompensated for deficit. Vhashumi Land Reclamation is striving tirelessly to combat the negative effects of this scourge.

It is imperative to properly rehabilitate disturbed landscapes. The health of countless communities residing in the juxtapositions of improperly rehabilitated Operating Mines; Post Mined Land and Landfills are severely and detrimentally affected, as well as the proximate groundwater tables and surface water in those areas. Environmental issues such as biological magnification, eutrophication, to mention a few, are exacerbated, as a resultant of such uneducated decisions made together with unprincipled rehabilitation mechanisms used during the process of rehab.
Our workforce mainly formed of environmental technicians has amazing technical expertise of reclaiming quiescent land back into becoming productive and most biological diversified terrestrial site to be seen. We are fully capacitated to tackle small to big-sized environmental projects in a very satisfactory turnaround time.